Noticias de actualidad Muebles Orts

Muebles Orts developing steadily


This firm from Alicante has recently obtained the Symbol of Quality granted by Aidima. In this way, the Technological Institute certifies that the furniture produced by Muebles Orts offers a range of technical safeguards. In addition, the company recently redesigned its website, where its content is presented in a functional and modern way.

Muebles Orts is celebrating. The company from Alicante, obtained on 10th March, the Certificate of Quality from Aidima for its kids bedrooms included in the Orts Idees and Orts Base catalogues. This is a symbol that serves as proof that those furniture pieces have passed various tests in the laboratories of the Institute of Furniture Technology and have proven to be suitable for their intended use.

The tests aim to verify the performance of each furniture piece and to guarantee its correct operation during its lifetime. These tests reproduce in a short space of time, the situations that the pieces will be pot through during their every day use. Undoubtedly the tests add value to the Muebles Orts products and provide security for the customer and help to achieve greater differentiation.

Moreover, the company released last May the redesign of its website. In the user will find the contents set out in a careful and very accessible way. In this sense, the corporate image of Muebles Orts is greatly enhanced by providing the client with the real picture of a modern firm that adapts to changing times. The website offers in three languages –Spanish, English and French- information about the company and its location, its catalogues, the quality of its products and a section reserved for the news. It also provides on-line contact between the company and the user.